Explore the World…

The stories of Bingert, Rami and Mauish take place in a wide range of settings and places. Our boys find themselves in the most suprising and exciting of places! Come with us and let’s explore some together.

The Forest

The forest is his homeland and he built his house in a small clearing in the heart of this forest. Thickly timbered with old growth trees and filled with both beauty and darkness, the forest is the place where Bingert feels most comfortable and safe. It is also where many of his most entertaining tales take place.

Close by live his friends, Rami and Mauish, and together they establish friendship and understanding with the creatures of the forest – great and small.

Read about their forest home in: In the Forest


Bingert was escaping from an awful incident where his whole world had been turned upside down.  He was being hunted by people who were afraid of someone so different from them.   He had travelled many miles through open country and light bushland.  In those places there was nowhere to hide, because he would stand out on account of his size, shape and colour.   He had to find some place where he could just blend in and be safe from lurking dangers. 

When he DID come to the forest he wasn’t even sure that the forest was the place for him but he met a black bear and other animals who accepted him for who he was and made him feel welcome.  He knew then that this was the place that he wanted to be and it turned out to be all that he had hoped.

Read all about it in: Young Bingert

The Sea

Who doesn’t love a trip to the beach? The waves, the wind, the sand in the fur(!), the fun to be had! Whether it be a spot of fishing or some surfing alongside a certain marine crocodile, the seaside is always a place of bright skies and brighter adventures!

The boys certainly made the most of their trip when they visited in The Sea! The Sea!

Moutains, Peaks and What lies Under

In taking on the mighty peak that looms over their homes within the forest Bingert and his friends recognise the challenges and dangers of this mountainous formation.

But where there is danger, there is also wonder and that is not confined solely to the higher places in Bingert’s world…

…For under the mountains too lie places of splendour and amazement!

Oh and BATS - plenty of bats! Look away now, Rami!

Find out all about it in: Mountaineering

Lakes, Rivers and Dams

The seaside is not the only water world Bingert and his friends find themselves enjoying! A personal favourite of his, the stream that cuts past his house is a treasured spot of for the big guy to sit and enjoy the peaceful beauty of his surroundings. Indeed, one of Bingert’s best friends, Edgar the Beaver, has made a wondrous dam in a stream not far off through the forest! Water is never far from the fun of our loveable trio.

But beware! Any force of nature has it’s drawbacks, as the boys and their woodland friends find out in the dramatic tale of: The Storm

Perils of the Outside World

On advice from one of the eagles, Rami and Mauish hitch-hike way outside their normal territory and end up attempting a dramatic rescue of Penelope Possum amidst the perils of Porcupine Gorge.

Read all about this increible adventure in: The Boys go Sightseeing

The World of People

Bingert is wary of associating with humans because of his previous experiences, but Rami and Mauish, having grown up in the city, have no such qualms. They can feel at home in the world of people just as they do in the forest. They realise that there is good and bad within such places and often find themselves between both at various times!

Read about their exploits in The Boys Go Sightseeing.

Whether it’s on the farm where Bingert grew up, going in to meet the townfolk, or at the turbulent circus where he had a very bad time, you can always be assured that there will be ‘excitement’ to follow!

Oh, and if you do find yourself in the places that humans frequent, please DO be careful! You never know when there’s a sneaky witch called Madonna waiting and scheming to capture you for her terrible plans!

Are you keen to find out how Bingert gets out of her grasp? Read all about it in: Young Bingert

But don’t worry too much. The world is full of opportunities and challenges and Rami and Mauish find both in relation to their love of soccer. Don’t have a football handy? Never mind, a wild cabbage will do… now we just need a referee!

Find out about it in the playful: Two Friends