
Hi! My name is Bingert and I live in Gondwana Forest, which is huge and my home is far away from civilisation. I never knew my parents but when I was young, I was taken in by a kindly farmer and his wife and they raised me. I don’t know how old I am or even where I was born, but I don’t worry about that because I have great friends who are also my companions, and the forest has made me very welcome. My favourite colour is, naturally, GREEN, though I am also partial to RED and BLUE, which are the colours of my friends Rami and Mauish. I love going on adventures with my friends and it is always exciting to make discoveries – and we have had some dazzling ones, with lots of challenges but we also made good friends in the process. I like the way Rami and Mauish are always playing pranks – on me and on each other. We have lots of laughs. My special hobby is growing orchids and I have a beautiful garden with amazing varieties. You should see it!

G’day, I’m Rami and I have a love of adventure. I’m always dreaming of exciting places to go and things to do. It got me into a bit of trouble at school as I didn’t concentrate on the study books as much as I should have. Instead, I imagined myself going on dangerous quests but always coming home victorious. Thankfully, I had my best mate Mauish to keep me ‘in check’. Apart from being an avid football fan, I am also keen on kung-fu because I find it a useful skill to have. It has come in handy a few times in my life. Mauish and I have been close friends forever and we always look out for each other. We both love soccer and we used to broadcast A-League games on radio and were quite famous. Though we are not good players, we know just about everything about the game, the players and the officials. Later, we went off together looking for adventure and came across Bingert in the forest. What an incredible time it has been since then and we love every minute of it. You’re welcome to join us.



I am Mauish and I am the one who has to keep Rami out of trouble. It’s not easy. We’ve been friends right from the start, even though the way we squabble you wouldn’t think so. Red seems to suit Rami because he can be hot-tempered and impetuous sometimes, whereas I am the cool, practical type who believes in ‘brain over brawn’, which is why blue suits me so much. Without a doubt, soccer is our sport, and we play it whenever we can – we know an awful lot about it too. In fact, when we went to settle in the forest near Bingert, we taught many of the inhabitants there just how to play the game. Meeting and getting to know Bingert was special and the three of us are pretty inseparable. The other two are lucky I am such a good cook and food gatherer, or I think they would starve if I didn’t go along with some of our wild adventures. The thing I like about ‘us’ is that we each have a similar view on life and how to live it fairly. That brings its own enjoyment.


Edgar the beaver lives in the river nearby Bingert. A feisty sort, he began by causing a little trouble with his over-willingness to chew wooden things that didn't need chewing. But soon enough he and the boys became close friends. His dams are a thing of beauty where he lives with his family.

Find him first in: The Boys go Sightseeing


Devil is a bear that lives in the forest nearby Bingert, Rami and Mauish…but don’t worry, although she can be a menacing character when provoked — the boys luckily are on her good side! Always seeming to show up when most needed, she is beyond dependable — a trait most needed when raising two boisterous cubs!

Cross her path first in: The Sea! The Sea!

Madonna the Witch

Like all evil witches, Madonna’s interests almost always concern a willingness to get ahead and use those around her for her own means, no matter the cost. Those seen within her magic crystal ball must beware! For once in her sights, there is little she won’t do to get what she wants…

As a youth, poor Bingert fell into her web and that tale can be found in: Young Bingert

Mr Fox

Oh Mr Fox! How you do get yourself into so many tangles! Sly and sneaky he’s one to keep an eye on —although he is not without a good heart. If nothing else our dear Mr Fox is one to get Bingert and his friends into some…interesting situations!

Sneak along with Mr Fox first in: In the Forest


Bandicoot is another of the forest folk that are always ready for fun - especially when it involves good (and free) food and drink! One of a bunch of like-minded mischievious little marsupials, Bandicoot is never far from the action when it comes to Bingert, Rami and Mauish and their more exhuberant activities.

Spot Bandicoot scooting through the long grass in: In the Forest

Possum and Owl

Where there is Possum, more than likely in a tree overlooking there will be Owl! Aways keen to join in on a spot of Lettuce Football (as referees anyway) they both count themselves in the closest circle that Bingert, Rami and Mauish keep. When not looking to evade the lurking claws of the local wildcats, they both are inclinded to tree sitting and a spot of picnicing with the boys. Who isn’t?

Meet them first in: In the Forest

Wedge-Tailed Eagle

There are few more ominous sights that the silhouette of a giant Wedge-tailed eagle high in the sky if you’re small and edible. Take cover — or do as Rami did and call upon your friends the magpies to help! Undecidedly she might be slightly steamed at the memory of Mauish attempting to make off with one of her treasured eggs…he wouldn’t be that daft would he?

Find out in: Mountaineering